Orbán Urges EU Action as North Macedonia's Accession Delays Persist

Orbán Urges EU Action as North Macedonia’s Accession Delays Persist

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán criticizes the EU for delaying North Macedonia’s accession. To help resolve the dispute, he offers to mediate the ongoing conflict with Bulgaria.

Viktor Orbán

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has criticized the European Union for hindering North Macedonia’s bid to join the bloc, asserting that recent delays have negatively impacted the nation’s “national pride.”

During a visit to Skopje, Orbán expressed his readiness to mediate between North Macedonia and Bulgaria, whose historical disputes have stalled accession.

The backdrop to Orbán’s comments includes a recent decision by EU ambassadors to advance Albania’s membership bid while leaving North Macedonia’s application in limbo.

Both countries began their EU accession talks in 2022, but diverging pathways have raised concerns about North Macedonia’s future in the bloc.

The ongoing tension with Bulgaria stems from disagreements over historical and cultural issues related to language and heritage.

In a previous arrangement, the former government in North Macedonia agreed to recognize a Bulgarian ethnic minority in its constitution.

However, the conservative government, led by Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski, has stated it will only consider amendments if Bulgaria first supports North Macedonia’s EU membership.

Orbán’s assertion that separating the two countries’ bids would be “a big mistake” underscores the urgency of resolving these conflicts.

He emphasized Hungary’s willingness to facilitate discussions to overcome these hurdles and ensure North Macedonia can move forward with its EU aspirations.

North Macedonia’s President Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova, at the UN General Assembly, echoed concerns about the stagnation of her country’s EU path, comparing it to “waiting for Godot.”

This sentiment reflects the frustration of many North Macedonians as they seek clarity and progress in their long-awaited journey towards European integration.

With the historical context of the naming dispute with Greece still fresh, the political dynamics surrounding North Macedonia’s EU membership remain complex and delicate.

As the situation unfolds, the focus will be on how North Macedonia, with potential support from Hungary, navigates its challenges to achieve its goal of joining the European Union.

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