Keir Starmer Eyes Italy-Albania Migration Deal

Keir Starmer Eyes Italy-Albania Migration Deal

Keir Starmer explores Italy’s migration deal with Albania as a potential solution to the UK’s small boats crisis. Talks with Italian PM Giorgia Meloni.

With the number of small boat crossings in the English Channel skyrocketing, UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer is looking abroad for solutions.

His latest focus is Italy’s groundbreaking migration deal with Albania, which could serve as a model for the UK as it seeks to regain control over its borders.

The small boats crisis has overwhelmed the UK’s immigration system, with over 45,000 people making the dangerous crossing last year alone.

As Starmer prepares for a critical meeting with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, he has expressed interest in exploring Italy’s innovative approach to managing irregular migration.

Italy-Albania Deal: Could it Work for the UK?

Italy’s agreement with Albania offers a fresh solution to Europe’s migration challenges.

Under this plan, Albania provides temporary housing for asylum seekers while their claims are processed under Italian jurisdiction.

The arrangement has alleviated pressure on Italy’s domestic infrastructure, and now, Starmer is considering whether a similar deal could work for Britain.

“It is still in the early days, but I am interested in how this works,” Starmer noted ahead of his talks with Meloni.

While the UK is not part of the EU, collaboration with European nations on shared issues like migration has become increasingly important.

The small boats crisis has been a flashpoint in British politics, and this new approach could provide much-needed relief.

From Rwanda to Albania: Starmer’s New Direction

One of Starmer’s first moves as Prime Minister was to abandon the Rwanda plan, a controversial scheme introduced by the previous Tory government.

That policy would have sent asylum seekers to Rwanda, but it faced legal challenges and was widely criticized as inhumane.

In contrast, Italy’s deal with Albania keeps asylum seekers within Europe, making it a more politically palatable option.

By focusing on European partnerships, Starmer is signaling a significant shift in how the UK handles migration.

UK’s European Outreach: Seeking Solutions from Allies

Starmer’s engagement with European leaders extends beyond Italy.

In recent months, he has met with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron, seeking cooperative solutions to the migration crisis.

In his talks with Scholz, Starmer highlighted the need to intercept smuggling boat engines through Germany.

At the same time, discussions with Macron have focused on increasing security along the French coast, where many small boats embark.

“We are facing different challenges in different countries, but the key is to work together,” Starmer remarked, stressing the importance of coordinated European efforts.

What is Next for UK Migration Policy?

As the small boats crisis shows no signs of slowing down, all eyes are on Starmer’s meeting with Giorgia Meloni.

If the Italy-Albania model proves effective, it could mark a turning point for UK migration policy.

Starmer remains committed to finding a solution that balances humanitarian concerns with the need for secure borders.

The effectiveness of Italy’s deal will be closely monitored in the coming months.

Whether the UK adopts a similar approach or not, immigration will remain at the forefront of Starmer’s agenda as he navigates this complex issue.


Italy’s migration agreement with Albania is one of the first of its kind, allowing a non-EU country to host asylum seekers while their claims are processed within EU jurisdiction.

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