Alessandro Ercolani’s Journey From San Marino to the World of Baseball

Alessandro Ercolani’s Journey: From San Marino to the World of Baseball

Learn how Alessandro Ercolani, from the tiny country of San Marino, is chasing his dream of becoming the first Major League Baseball player from his homeland.


For most people in San Marino, pursuing a baseball career—let alone making it to the Major Leagues—seems far-fetched.

With a population under 34,000, San Marino is more known for its scenic landscapes and rich history than for producing professional athletes in a sport synonymous with the United States.

But Alessandro Ercolani had other dreams. His passion for baseball, nurtured in the heart of a soccer-dominated culture, is not just a career but a story of ambition, perseverance, and overcoming the odds.

A Dream Born Out of Passion

Growing up in San Marino, it was not the highlight-reel home runs or famous players that initially captured Ercolani’s attention—it was the atmosphere.

The crowds, the energy, and the excitement of baseball stadiums fascinated him.

While his friends were playing soccer, Ercolani was drawn to something different, a sport not commonly associated with his homeland.

“In Italy, you never see a stadium like this,” Ercolani recalled. “In soccer, maybe, but the vibes [of baseball stadiums] gave me my dream.”

This passion set him on a path that was anything but typical for a kid from San Marino.

Baseball practice became a regular part of his life, and before long, it was clear that this was not just a hobby—Ercolani was good, perfect.

Challenges of Being a Baseball Player from San Marino

As Ercolani’s skills grew, so did his desire to take baseball seriously.

However, being from a country where the sport is almost unknown came with challenges.

San Marino needs the infrastructure and culture that nurtures baseball stars like other countries do.

For Ercolani, this meant not only working harder but also stepping outside of his comfort zone.

At just 16, Ercolani joined T & A San Marino, one of the top teams in Serie A, Italy’s premier baseball league. Living just minutes from the field, he spent his days practicing and perfecting his game.

Playing against men who were 10 or even 20 years older, Ercolani dominated, proving that age was no barrier to his success.

Learning from Mentors

Along the way, Ercolani was fortunate to have mentors who helped guide him through the complex world of professional baseball.

Markus Solbach, a former Dodgers Minor Leaguer, and Alessandro Maestri, an experienced Italian pitcher-turned-coach, played pivotal roles in his development.

“They helped me understand what it takes to be a professional,” Ercolani said. “Their advice and experience gave me the confidence to keep pushing.”

Not long before, Tom Gillespie, a Pittsburgh Pirates scout, noticed Ercolani’s potential and signed him on a six-year contract.

This moment was a massive milestone for Ercolani and his home country, San Marino.

From San Marino to the Minor Leagues

Joining the Pittsburgh Pirates’ Minor League system was exciting and overwhelming for Ercolani.

Moving from the familiar streets of San Marino to Pirate City, with its six baseball fields and rigorous training schedules, was a massive shift.

“It was crazy for me when I first got to Pirate City,” he admitted. “Seeing all the fields together like that was like nothing I had ever experienced.”

Injuries and the mental challenges of adjusting to a professional lifestyle threw some obstacles in his path.

Ercolani even moved from starting pitcher to the bullpen, but he remained undeterred, viewing every challenge as a learning opportunity.

“The main thing is how you think,” he said. “In Italy, it was just throwing without thinking, but now I make a plan for each game.”

The End Goal: Reaching the Major Leagues

What drives Ercolani is the desire to play baseball and the ambition to be the first Major League player from San Marino.

It is a goal that once seemed impossible, but with every strikeout and fastball, that dream inches closer.

Ercolani draws inspiration from Samuel Aldegheri, the first Italian-born and developed player to reach MLB. Seeing Aldegheri’s success gave him renewed confidence and determination.

“When I heard the news about Samuel, I was so happy for him,” Ercolani said. “It made me realize that hard work is possible.”

As one of Italy’s rising stars, Ercolani is not just focused on his journey—he wants to inspire the next generation of Italian and San Marino ballplayers to dream big.

“We need an entire movement,” he said. “I want to help people reach this dream because it is not impossible.”


Alessandro Ercolani’s story is a testament to the power of passion, perseverance, and daring to dream beyond borders.

As the first professional baseball player from San Marino, he is blazing a trail for himself and future generations of athletes who believe anything is possible.

With his eyes set on becoming the first player from San Marino to reach the Major Leagues, Ercolani is showing the world that big dreams can come true even from the smallest countries.

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